News & Events
News & events
Amount of the annual fee for 2024.
HOPAL determined the amount of the annual fee for the Croatian Medicines Verification System usage by MAHs. Croatian Medicines Verification Organization – HOPAL, based on the HALMED’s (Croatian Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices) official list of MAHs whose medicinal products are in the scope of FMD legislation…
Incident – System interruption
On 15.03.2021. at 8:00 p.m. an incident occurred on the basis of drug serialization data, both in the Republic of Croatia and in other 12 EU countries…
Extension of the transitional operational period
The Ministry of Health issued a consent to extend the transitional operational period of the Croatian Medicines Verification System until December 31st, 2019…
Guidelines for EMVO and NMVO stakeholders
The following guidelines reflect the best effort and thinking of stakeholder experts with the information available to them, on 29 January 2019…
Media Release
Croatia has duly established an end-to-end medicines verification system which provides an assurance of safe medicine supply to the patient…
Letter to stakeholders
A key measure to address falsification in the EU and protect the legal supply chain of medicines is an end-to-end verification system introduced by the Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD). The end-to-end verification is a medicines authentication system including mandatory safety features and a repository that stores information on each individual pack.
Amount of the annual fee
HOPAL determined the amount of the annual fee for the Croatian Medicines Verification System usage by MAHs. Croatian Medicines Verification Organization – HOPAL, based on the HALMED’s (Croatian Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices) official list of MAHs whose medicinal products are in the scope of FMD legislation…
CMVS connected to EU-hub
We are pleased to announce that the Croatian Medicines Verification System is connected to the European Hub live production environment. The important milestone was achieved thanks to the commitment and efforts of the HOPAL team and all stakeholders involved in the implementation of the Falsified Medicines Directive in Croatia.
Successful verification system
We are delighted to inform that the User Acceptance Test (UAT) of the Solidsoft Reply national blueprint system took place on schedule in Slovenia this week, led by Slovenian NMVO (ZAPAZ), and that the system has passed the UAT. This is a key milestone in the development of the national verification systems.
HOPAL and Solidsoft Reply contract
HOPAL has signed a contract with Solidsoft Reply to set up and manage the Croatian Medicine Verification System. Croatia has also joined a co-operation forum of other countries that have concluded a deal with Solidsoft, including Sweden, Denmark, Slovenia, Chech, Iceland, Ireland and Bulgaria, which will be useful in this project.